music notes


Waiata Lyrics in Mäori Translation
Rerenga Wairua The spirit flies the path of the departing spirits
Rerenga Wairua tënä whakarongo mai Fly now and listen to this
Papaki tü ana ngä tai o Te Tokerau The tides/waves of Tokerau are crashing on the shore
Ueoneone rä he tangata rangatira e There is Ueoneone, who was a great leader
Nö Hokianga Ngapuhi nui tonu e He is from the Hokianga of the great and strong Ngapuhi
Taku ara taku mana he wahine whakaiti My path, my strength leads to this woman of humility
Reitu te wahine nö Tainui waka e Reitu is this woman belonging to Tainui waka
Näna i märena ko Ueoneone e It was Reitu who married Ueoneone
Ka puta ka ora tätou ngä uri e From them came their descendants, us who live today
Nö reira e te iwi kua mutu ngä mihi As such, our story is finished
Aku tangi körero aku tangi tikanga e My story of tikanga has been called out
Noho iho e koro ko Ueoneone e Lie still my tupuna Ueoneone
Ngä manaakitanga Being looked after/watched over
A te hunga runga rawa e By those above us all
Rerenga Wairua (x3) The spirit flies the path of the departing spirits
Ngapuhi nui tonu ka tahi ka rua aue hï!