Collated links to

support learning Te Reo Māori

Learning a language takes time and repetition. We want to support everyone to go as far as they want to go with Te Reo Māori, so we have started to collate some resources. There are some fabulous lists that others have worked on. We recommend:

Christchurch City Libraries list on online te reo Māori resources for tamariki
Te Taura Whiri list of reo Māori resources
University of Auckland Toi Rau - This page focuses on links that kaiako can use to support the integration of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in their educational contexts
Ngāi Tahu downloads to support learning te reo Māori

Pronunciation - Te Whakahua Kupu kia tika

Te Reo Māori is a phonetic language, so your first focus should be on learning pronunciation. Make sure to notice macrons (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū) because they change the pronunciation of a word. If the Youtube videos play too fast to be helpful, remember, you can slow them down by clicking on the cog, then changing the playback speed.
Check out your pronunication of consonants and vowels at Pūrārangi Māori

Nourishing Te Reo Māori in our schools from CORE Education Digital Media on Vimeo.

Janelle Riki-Waaka, CORE Education, talks about te reo Māori as a beautiful taonga for all kiwis – and keeping it preserved for future generations means ensuring that it becomes a language of our communities and of our schools. Janelle believes that all students, especially Māori, should be able to learn te reo in schools and it is the obligation of educators to have some proficiency in Māori and be nourishing this official language of Aotearoa to keep it alive for the future.

Dictionaries - Ngā Papakupu

Te Taura Whiri - The Māori Language Commission - at are responsible for the development of new language. They should be a first port of call when looking for information on learning Te Reo Māori. They collaborate in the authoring of for Mahuru Māori - A fabulous blog run by a passionate advocate for te reo Māori

ECE booklet.pdf - a collection of phrases that are helpful in the early childhood context.

Māori Dictionary -, originally authored by John Moorfield

An online dictionary released by He Taura Whiri - The Māori Language Commission
He Pātaka Kupu

Pae Kupu - - a dictionary containing curriculum specific language, at the moment literacy, numeracy, the arts and science vocabulary.
Pae Kupu

Ngata Dictionary

There are sources of specialist vocabulary online, such as Karaitiana Taiuru's Dictionary of Māori Computer and Social Media Terms.

Te Reo Hāpai – The Language of Enrichment, a new Māori glossary that not only provides translations for existing words, it has also created many new words in te reo Māori - for use in the mental health, addiction and disability sectors -

Trident High School worked with Te Taura Whiri to develop a series of word lists for Technology - covering Food Tech, Textiles and Tools.

Pepeha - Place-based connection

Pepeha is about identity. It is important to understand the framework and the way that you share your pepeha differently when sharing it with different groups, because it is all about making connections with the people you are meeting... so be careful with the options that ask you to just fill in the blanks. Ask yourself what the blanks mean.

A focus on pepeha to support in learning about waka and migration at NZ History

Start by listening to Tame Iti speak of identity and the connections between identity and mana in this TedTalk.

Kiwa Digital have made a Pepeha App to support the aim of the social media campaign called #1miriona, aiming for a million supporters of te reo Māori.

This song follows the tune of Calendar Girl, a fabulous way to support learning pepeha in class. Much better sung in small groups though. Waiata Whakawhanaungatanga, the getting to know each other song.

Complete your pepeha online using this interactive site put together by Designworks (keeping in mind that pepeha is about meaningful connections, and acknowledging your connections to the people you are sharing your pepeha with, so your pepeha should change in response to others).

Videos and songs - Ngā rīpene me ngā waiata

Māori TV OnDemand
Māori TV On Demand - Over 961 language learning episodes at

You can also watch kapahaka, drama, documentaries and more in te reo Māori, which supports improvements in pronunciation, meter and fluency.

If there are specific episodes that you cannot find - try - Log-in using your Auckland Uni email, then your sign-on... eTV has a huge range of programmes available =)

Tākaro Tribe
The Tākaro Tribe is an animated series about five patupaiarehe (fairies) who live in the Wao Arapū (alphabet forest). Their names are A, E, I, O, U and they are sisters and brothers. Episodes are available in te reo Māori and bilingually.

You can also watch kapahaka, drama, documentaries and more in te reo Māori, which supports improvements in pronunciation, meter and fluency.

If there are specific episodes that you cannot find - try - Log-in using your Auckland Uni email, then your sign-on... eTV has a huge range of programmes available =)

folksong.jpgNZ Folksong - Each song is shared along with music, translation, and background on the song and author (if available). is a collection of songs in Māori and Sign Language with an English subtitle option. These are the songs from Sharon Holt's picture book series.

Also check out the online series introducing a whole range of te reo singalong books! 

....and TuriTV! A whole range of sign language material, some also available in te reo Māori. See

Some Research - Ētahi Rangahau
How being bilingual rewires your brain

ReoBot: The AI-powered chatbot that will help you speak te reo Māori -
Why these Aucklanders spend their nights learning Te Reo Māori -

Te Reo Māori ka rere: ‘Talknology’ and Māori language as a language of choice. - This opinion piece aims to grow awareness of a range of technological initiatives that are supporting Māori language regeneration. These initiatives (like Māori Minecraft, or Mahimaina) have been chosen because they have communities of users. This piece could be useful to educators who want to learn about the options that are available in this area, or students of Māori language for similar reasons.
Image from Karaitiana Taiuru's blogKaraitiana Taiuru discussing Tikanga Māori considerations with digital apps - and here he's discussing Māori cultural considerations with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. An incredible blog with thinking that will support your early journeys into Web 2.0, spam and cyber-safety, or into tikanga and how it relates to app design or artificial intelligence