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A board game about Aotearoa's first school. Inspired by the research of Alison Jones and Kuni Jenkins.
Supported by contestable funding from the University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grant.
A 'how to play' video is loading in the space below.
This page contains references to extended reading in the area (that have just been updated to APA 7), and some background about the game.
Calman, R. (2012). Māori education – mātauranga. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/maori-education-matauranga
Cloher, D. U. (2013). The tribes of Muriwhenua: Their origins and stories. Auckland University Press
Elder, J. R. (1932). The letters and journals of Samuel Marsden, 1765-1838, senior chaplain in the colony of New South Wales and Superintendent of the Mission of the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand. Coulls, Somerville Wilkie, and A.H. Reed.
Elder, J. R. (1934). Marsden's lieutenants. Coulls, Somerville Wilkie, and A.H. Reed.
Hanly, T. (2015). Two worlds meet. A critical guide to Māori and Pākehā histories of Aotearoa (vol 3.). See criticalhistories.nz
Jones, A., & Jenkins, K. (2011). He kōrero- Words between us: First Māori-Pākehā conversations on paper. Huia.
Lee, J. (1996). The Bay of Islands (2nd ed.). Reed.
Moon, P. (2016). Ka ngaro te reo: Māori language under siege in the nineteenth century. Otago University Press.
Parkinson, P. G. (2003). Our infant state: The Māori language, the mission presses, the British crown and the Māori, 1814-1838 (Vol 1) [Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Victoria University]. Wellington, New Zealand.
Petrie, H. (2006). Chiefs of industry: Māori tribal enterprise in early colonial New Zealand. Auckland University Press.
Stock, E. (1899-1916). The history of the Church Missionary Society: Its environment, its men and its work. Church Missionary Society.
rangihouaheritage.co.nz. An interactive timeline containing such a comprehensive range of information that it will support a range of teaching and learning experiences.
cmph.cybersoul.co.nz/cpr-structure.html - Tamsin Hanly's Critical Histories has a section that explores the histories of Rangihoua
A bilingual story centring on two girls who went to the first school.Aimed at ages 8-12. Comes with teacher's notes. Used to be available for Android (but it looks like it's dropped off the Google Play Store (?)) and through iTunes.
There is an online explanation of the board-game design, put together by Nectarine Ltd - https://www.nectarine.co.nz/boardgame-news/hohi-1816-boardgame-design/